PHY Smithwick Midge 6.3 Ft 4 Wt

Rod Name PHY Smithwick Midge
Length (inches) 75
Length (feet) 6.3
Line Weight 4
Number of pieces 2
Number of tips 1
Construction Two Piece Quad
Comments Anyway I used an oversized ferrule padding the gaps with slips of wood and turning down to size. I just lightly broke the corners of the quad section. This rod is nodeless with the splices glued with resourcinal. As mentioned in the presentation Titebond does not seem strong enough for splices in two strip construction. The rod is actually a bit quicker than I expected. It may have something to do with the very dense leftover butt section pieces I used for material. The taper itself is an adaptation of a version of the Young midge I measured a long time ago. 6'3" 4 weight but may like a 5 better in close. This one had a ferrule
Deduction for varnish 0
Allowance for form setting 0
Ferrule 10/64Location0
StationDimensionForm Setting
0 0.061 0.031
5 0.071 0.036
10 0.089 0.045
15 0.104 0.052
20 0.116 0.058
25 0.132 0.066
30 0.142 0.071
35 0.161 0.081
40 0.174 0.087
45 0.192 0.096
50 0.196 0.098
55 0.212 0.106
60 0.219 0.110
65 0.229 0.115
70 0.238 0.119
75 0.250 0.125