Martin-Darrel Odom 7.6' 7.5 Ft 4 Wt

Rod Name Martin-Darrel Odom 7.6'
Length (inches) 90
Length (feet) 7.5
Line Weight 4
Number of pieces 2
Number of tips 1
Construction Hex
Comments The rod likes hard stops on the casting stroke
Deduction for varnish 0
Allowance for form setting 0
Ferrule 113/64Location0
StationDimensionForm Setting
0 0.074 0.037
5 0.074 0.037
10 0.097 0.049
15 0.115 0.058
20 0.131 0.066
25 0.146 0.073
30 0.160 0.080
35 0.172 0.086
40 0.184 0.092
45 0.203 0.102
50 0.209 0.105
55 0.222 0.111
60 0.234 0.117
65 0.246 0.123
70 0.255 0.128
75 0.272 0.136
80 0.281 0.141
85 0.312 0.156
90 0.312 0.156