Heddon #14 7643 7.5 Ft 4 Wt

Rod Name Heddon #14 7643
Length (inches) 90
Length (feet) 7.5
Line Weight 4
Number of pieces 3
Number of tips 1
Construction Hex
Comments Tiptop 4.5 Really excellent 4 wt rod. Medium Fast action with a very pleasant feel. From the collection of Barry Ingram. 80 is actually 78 where the swell begins to .450
Deduction for varnish 0
Allowance for form setting 0
Ferrule 110/64Location0
Ferrule 215/64Location0
StationDimensionForm Setting
5 0.080 0.040
10 0.090 0.045
15 0.102 0.051
20 0.112 0.056
25 0.126 0.063
30 0.146 0.073
35 0.156 0.078
40 0.186 0.093
45 0.200 0.100
50 0.212 0.106
55 0.224 0.112
60 0.242 0.121
65 0.258 0.129
70 0.272 0.136
75 0.288 0.144
80 0.300 0.150
85 0.450 0.225