Bernard 7652 7.5 Ft 5 Wt

Rod Name Bernard 7652
Length (inches) 90
Length (feet) 7.5
Line Weight 5
Number of pieces 2
Number of tips 1
Construction Hex
Comments This rod is 7' 6" and throws a 5 wt. line cigar grip gold with black trip wraps. Swell begins at 77"
Deduction for varnish 0
Allowance for form setting 0
Ferrule 10/64Location0
StationDimensionForm Setting
0 0.085 0.043
5 0.111 0.056
10 0.118 0.059
15 0.126 0.063
20 0.140 0.070
25 0.170 0.085
30 0.180 0.090
35 0.199 0.100
40 0.213 0.107
45 0.221 0.111
50 0.226 0.113
55 0.253 0.127
60 0.263 0.132
65 0.271 0.136
70 0.287 0.144
75 0.296 0.148
80 0.378 0.189
85 0.378 0.189
90 0.378 0.189