Orvis S S S - Wayne Kifer

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It appears there is more interest than I anticipated so I'll just post them here for anyone that wants them. 
  Here are both tapers. Bob's rod was bought new. Jack's was used but cleaned up well. Enjoy.
    Orvis S/S/S
  Courtesy Of Bob Nunn
  Butt - 51 3/8  With extension - 53 9/16 
                                   Tip - 54 9/16
  Butt                                                                                          Tip
    2 1/2" (Below ferrule wrap)           .2700                                         1 1/8" (Just below Tip top wrap)  - .0955   
    5"                                                 .2860                                         4 3/4" (5" is under wrap)      - .1040
  10"                                                 .2900                            10"                                           - .1315
  15"                                                 .3060                            15"                                           - .1470
  20"                                                 .3180                            20"                                           - .1605                     
  25"                                                 .3245                            25"                                           - .1665
  30"                                                 .3500                            30"                                           - .1870
  35"                                                 .3610                            35"                                           - .2000
  39 3/4"(Above hook keeper wrap)    .3720                           40"                                           - .2120
                                                                                                  45"                                           - .2235
                                                                                                  50"                                           - .2385
                                                                                                  52 9/16"                                    - 2475
  Cork = 6 1/2"   Reel seat = 4" without extension and 6 1/8" with extension
  On most points all three flats were pretty close.
  Purchased new many years ago.  Tested but not fished. Never damaged.
  Orvis S/S/S
  8' 9"  2/2  6 7/8 oz
  Courtesy of Jack Turner
  Measured over varnish
  Butt        51 1/2" long
  Tip #1    54 1/2" long
  Tip #2    54 1/2" long
  Butt                                          Tip #1                             Tip#2
   2.5  -  .269                               1"   .092                              1"  .094
      5  -  .2735                                   .108                                   .105
    10  -  .295                                     .123                                   .123
    15  -  .302                                     .135                                   .130
    20  -  .307                                     .152                                   .150
    25  -  .318                                     .172                                   .169
    30  -  .343                                     .185                                   .184
    35  -  .350                                     .202                                   .201
    40  -  .396                                     .2145                                 .217
    45  -     ?                                       .2245                                 .224
    50  -     ?                                       .240                                   .240
                                   Top of male  .248               Top of male  .2475

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