Sv Taper Suggestions - Carsten Jørgensen

My PHY catalog says The Perfectionist is a #4

PHY Perfectionist from G. Maurer book

 0 - 070     50 - 214
 5 - 081     55 - 225
10 - 094     60 - 238
15 - 115     65 - 247
20 - 134     70 - 258
25 - 146     75 - 268
30 - 155     80 - 275
35 - 170     85 - 275
40 - 192     90 - 275
45 - 203

This is one sweet rod and absolutely a #4
I soke to George who told me he had miked several
original rods to get this taper, and I have
miked an original myself. This taper is correct.


Carsten Jorgensen

snipped : >I'll second the PHY Perfectionist.  It's claimed to be a 4wt but mine and