Re the 6 3 #2 & #4 node - nodeless challenge !! - Chris Bogart


	That 2 Wt looks more like a 1 Wt.  I just finished building
a 7' 2wt 2 piece and I used the heavier of the two tapers I was toying
with.  Your taper is almost a duplicate of my lighter taper and it will
be definitely a light line.  The heavy can cast the "H" line level taper enameled
braided silk line that I got from Reed as part of our infamous trade - like a dream. 
The heavy taper is based upon a 7' 2wt (1 piece) taper that I got from Jon Parker -
Also a nodeless rod!.  It will cast just a leader and work it on out.  I will bring this 
jewel out to Grayling. 

	Here is the two tapers I played with:

Sta	Lite	Heavy
tip	.062	.062
5	.068	.068
10	.080	.088
15	.096	.102
20	.108	.116
25	.124	.128
30	.134	.140
35	.146	.150
40	.158	.166
45	.170	.180
50	.188	.188
55	.204	.204
60	.212	.212
65	.230	.230
70	.255	.255
75	.280	.280
80	.280	.280

	Tip top - 4.5
	Ferrule - 11/64

