Re Taper request - Rich McGaughey

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Station- Measurement

0 Tiptop

1 .089"

5 0.1

10 0.108

15 0.124

20 0.135

25 0.147

30 0.161

35 0.178

40 0.191

45 0.206

50 0.216

55 0.228

60 0.254

65 0.2470

70 0.2600

the rod is shorter than a midge at 70 inches . You can make it on a 5 foot form by planing the top 5 feet , then reset forms to do the last 10 inches . Node spacing was 2X2X2 at 1 inch intervals.
I had people cast it at CRR and they liked it. It is a 1-2 wt rod. 
Let me know if you build it, eh ? I would love to hear your response to the rod. 
Danny Twang <> wrote:
Hi Rich,

That Orvis 5’10” #2 replica You have on Your site....are You willing to share the taper?


Rich McGaughey 
CEO Macsrods 
(email ) 
see New Graphite rods and rebuilt Bamboo fly rods click here Macsrods

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Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

Station- Measurement

0 Tiptop

1 .089"

5 0.1

10 0.108

15 0.124

20 0.135

25 0.147

30 0.161

35 0.178

40 0.191

45 0.206

50 0.216

55 0.228

60 0.254

65 0.2470

70 0.2600

the rod is shorter than a midge at 70 inches . You can make it on a 5 foot form by planing the top 5 feet , then reset forms to do the last 10 inches . Node spacing was 2X2X2 at 1 inch intervals.
I had people cast it at CRR and they liked it. It is a 1-2 wt rod.
Let me know if you build it, eh ? I would love to hear your response to the rod.
Danny Twang <> wrote:
Hi Rich,

That Orvis 5’10” #2 replica You have on Your site....are You willing to share the taper?


Rich McGaughey
CEO Macsrods
(email )
see New Graphite rods and rebuilt Bamboo fly rods click here Macsrods

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