Payne #214 Parabolic Taper - marty
Hi, I have a Payne #214 Para in the shop for a couple wrap replacements.
First one I've handled so I miked it and took some measurments (after
casting it of course). A good rod for the archives if someone knows how
to get in there. Check out how many guides!
Payne #214 7'9" 2pc. #5/6
6" cigar grip / 3 3/8" cork spacer seat (cap&ring)
Measurments are without varnish
Tip Butt
00 .078" .216"
05 .111 .224
10 .135 .238
15 .151 .249
20 .164 .266
25 .177 .277
30 .188 .292
35 .194 .310
40 .199 *37" .337 *start of grip
45 .206
Section Length 46 15/16"
Guide layout (12 snakes + 1 stripper)
Tip Butt
3 7/8" 2 5/8"
8 1/4" 8 3/8"
12 7/8" 15 1/4"
18" 22 7/8" Stripper
38 7/8"
44 5/8"
Rod will "dump" alot of line! Marty