Hardy JJH Triumph taper - Bob Maulucci

I just recieved this rod from Jim Bresko today, and it is a very plain,
pretty rod.

Hardy JJH Triumph Palakona rod
8'9" for #6 line

0	090	245
5	105	265
10	125	276
15	144	285
20	160	296
25	171	310
30	178	320
35	195	333
40	209	343
45	219	350
50	225	350
55	230	350

Butt guides 5.5, 22
Tip guides	3.875, 9.5, 16, 23.5, 33.25, 44

Butt is 53.75" and tip is 52.75" (an inch too long for marked size?)
The rod has a nice light feeling in hand, although it was dark before I
untubed it. Almost too dark to cast. I will let anyone interested know how
it casts tomorrow. It felt good, but I could not see the line moving.

Anyone ever seen this model before? I hope to try it out this weekend on
little steelies. I am afriad the agate tip top is too small for a modern
line. I used a silk to test it tonight.
Best regards,