Averaged taper -- 8 Heddon - 1-3 4F, 3 piece rod - flyfisher

Here's my best guess of the correct taper for the Heddon 1-3/4F -- 3
piece rod taper. I threw out the 0.076" reading on the 1" point but it
didn't make much of a difference.

Don Burns

Taper for 8' Heddon 1-3/4F (3 piece rod)

0   -- * not measured - recontoured for tiptop mounting.
1   -- 0.083
5   -- 0.097
10 -- 0.114
15 -- 0.126
20 -- 0.135
25 -- 0.149
30  --0.160

35 -- 0.172
40 -- 0.187
45 -- 0.205
50 -- 0.220
55 -- 0.234
60 -- 0.250

65 -- * not measured
66 -- 0.263
70 -- 0.276
75 -- 0.288
80 -- 0.299
85 -- Swelled butt  ~0.400