No Name Leonard Taper - cbogart

	Here is the taper on the "No Name" Leonard
	It is and 8' and weighs in at 3 1/8 oz is a 5wt
	and the tip is 3/4 in short.

	Center		Diameter
	0		.056  (measured just before tip)
	5		.076
	10		.092
	15		.118
	20		.132
	25		.142
	30		.160
	35		.178
	40		.200
	45		.207

	50		.210
	55		.224
	60		.242
	65		.262
	70		.278
	75		.257
	80		.312
	85		.307

	The .257 measurement at 75 in is correct and was double 
checked several times.  This rod has been rewrapped and finished.
There wass still two original wraps on this rod.  One at the butt
and the other at the butt section ferrule.  This wrap goes all the
way up the ferrule.  Who says you need to Blue the ferrules - just
wrap in thread.  The original thread appears to be Black and White