Re Paul Young Para-15 - Dennishigham

Paul made different versions of most/all of his tapers. Here's the wet 
fly/heavy tip for the P.T. Kellum version of the Para15.
 0= .078, 6 = .096, 12 = .121, 18 = .133, 24 = .157, 30 = .183, 36 = .196, 42 
= .15, 48 = .234, 
Paul Young's original tapers were on 6"centers usually measured from the butt 
end forward.
here's the rest of the #'s for those w/out the Kellum version...
Light/dryfly tip = 0 = .070, 6 = .090, 12 = .115, 18 = .130, 24 = .154, 30 = 
.170, 36 = .193, 42 = .215, 48 = .234
Butt = 0 = .236, 6 = .250, 12 = .260, 18 = .270, 24 = .280, 30 = .295, 36 = 
.300, 42 = .300, 48 = .300 
thanks to Wayne C. for these #'s 
