Phillipson Pacemaker taper - stpete

Here is the taper for my Phillipson Pacemaker.  8'0", 3/2, casts a Wulff
TT 5/6 very nicely.  Obviously has a swelled butt into that funky
looking but very comfortable Phillipson full wells grip.

tip 32"

0"  .070
5"  .085
10" .096
15" .109
20" .125
25" .137
30" .149

3"  .175
5"  .184
10" .193
15" .206
20" .215
25" .224
30" .229

3"  .262
5"  .266
10" .289
15" .294
20" .306
22" .345  this is the swell just before the wrap at the grip.

Varnish on the rod plus one re-dip, so figure from there on the
