lee Wulff Ultimate Taper - paul.blakley

It's like waiting for a policeman, nothing for ages and then four rods
turn up at once.
Finally measured up an original rod ( the owner has three !)and I have
just heard of a widow with one unused example coming up for sale.
Rod measured marked as follows;

Lee Wulff Ultimate ( top side )
#1218 5'10 1/4" 1 5/8 oz Armour Cane( next side )
Made by Farlows of Aberdeen ( next side )

0	Tiptop
1	.089"
5	.100
10	.108
15	.124
20	.135
25	.147
30	.161
35	.178
40	.191
45	.206
50	.216
55	.228
60	.254
63	.273
then the Handle
Handle 4" long ( true,4"long !!)
Reel seat cork 3 1/4"long with two aluminium sliding bands
Rings spaced as follows when indexed from tiptop
British HC Snakes
at 4,9,14 1/4,21,27 ,34 and 44"for the Butt ring(10mm Mildrum type)
Rod whipped in Royal Blue.
I have cast this rod with a 5# line and I simply must have one......so
much so that I have offered to buy one of the three for cash (please
don't tell my wife tee,hee,heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
If the owner won't sell me one in the next week this is the taper I
simply must build......enjoy.......Paul B