dickerson 801611 taper - Jeremy Gray

Here is the taper for the Dickerson.  I miced all three directions and give
all 3.  There is also the finish to contend with.

0"  .072   .073   .077
5"  .086   .088   .088
10" .108   .109   .109
15" .126   .127   .126
20" .141   .142   .141
25" .154   .154   .155
30" .161   .160   .160
35" .197   .197   .197
40" .202   .202   .200
45" .215   .218   .220
50" .219   .222   .222
55" .233   .233   .228
60" .247   .245   .249
65" .262   .264   .265
70" .277   .277   .277
75" .294   .293   .292
80" .317   .320   .320

Obviously I couldn't measure it under the grip or reelseat.