Another taper - (Reed Curry)rcurry

The following is taken from a rob a-building for John Friedman, list-member. 
I did not build this from the culm (alas, I would be most proud if I had); 
rather the tips came from one contemporary rodmaker (Ron Mckinley) and the 
butt is a 1958 run from Sam Carlson, when he was still looking at 6-sided. I 
have intentionally made the length 8'2" in order to get the Garrison style 
grip up onto the swelled butt and still have the nice match at the ferrules. 

Taper for 8'2" 2/2 4dt.

1"              .068

5"              .073

10"             .087

15"             .100

20"             .118

25"             .129

30"             .140

35"             .158

40"             .170

45"             .185

47.5"           .192
                                Length of tips with ferrules 49.25"
51.5"           .198

55"             .202

60"             .214

65"             .227

70"             .249

75"             .272

80"             .303

85"             .334

90"             .453    Top of grip

reed curry